Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tale Ten - Dog Attack

Let me tell you about a dog trying to attack me when I was only three months old. Our yard was totally fenced, but I could see the dog next door through the fence. He didn't seem like a likeable dog so I was glad there was a fence. I did like to tease him I might add, because I was protected by our fence. I didn't like the looks of this dog. I could tell from his bark that he was not very friendly.

Well, my Mummy took me to see a neighbor. Mummy went to the neighbor's back door and knocked several times. No-one appeared to be home. So Mummy was starting to go back home. All of a sudden there was the very dog I was talking about racing towards me. He looked very angry and all I could see was how mean and big his face was coming towards me. I was trying to appear strong. Mummy had me on a leash. All of a sudden the dog lunged at me and my Mummy. She held onto the leash for a while, but let go as this dog tried to attack me. I had to think quickly. I was suddenly loose. Where should I go? I saw a bush so I ran to hide behind it. The dog tried to get me but he couldn't get through the branches. I could see that Mummy had fallen face down in the earth. All of a sudden the next door neighbor came out with his other dog and managed to get hold of the attacking dog. I started to run and run in the open field to try and get away from the situation. When I thought all was clear I looked around and saw Mummy standing in the distance and decided to come back to her.

The next day, we saw the neighbor digging a big hole at the back of his yard. We never did see that mean dog again.

P.S. The neighbor apologized and said that the local rescue had taken the dog????

                                           How could you attack such a nice dog like me!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tale Nine - Daddy's Little Helper

Well, I'm back. Mummy is better now. She was away for a  long time and she is very important for many reasons. I couldn't collect my thoughts while she was away. Also I dictated my memories to her so she could put them on the computer. Hooray, she couldn't walk much and now she is walking. Things are getting back to normal.

Well, on the first day of spring you could just feel a change in the air. I loved to sniff the air and this particular day was sunny and warmer. Not too warm I might add, but just right. Daddy took me outside and said I could help him clean up the yard. I was having fun picking up the branches and running to my heart's content. I love to chew the bark. It was soooo tasty. The wood reminded me of paper which I also love. Daddy was always taking the twigs away from me after a bit. Of course, I tried to run away from him and not open my mouth.

Daddy started raking dead leaves into a wheelbarrow. I was his helper and wanted to have a go at the raking. I tried to catch it each time he raked and told him how I felt. My Daddy kept raking just the same.   I loved to catch the leaves and chew on them. There were so many leaves and when the wheelbarrow was full, Daddy took the wheelbarrow to the back of the garden. What fun to run after the wheelbarrow. I was guarding Daddy and I also took great pleasure in catching the occasional leaf or branch on the way.

After a good potty at one of the corners of the garden, it was time to rest. Boy, do I love Spring.

Here I am with my Daddy's rake and wheelbarrow...



One of my favorite pastimes chewing branches. 
Here I am looking out for my Daddy. 
 Here I am looking strong.