Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cats, Cats, Cats

Well, it has been a long time in between writing. So many things have happened in my life. Today my Mum just happened to mention cats and I stopped dead in my tracks. I could hardly contain myself. My Mum said my eyes got really big. I would really like to have one to play with, but Mummy is very allergic to them (whatever that means). I think she gets very sick when around them.

Why am I fascinated? Well, first of all they give off a really nice odor. I can smell them a mile away. I can tell if they come on my porch and sniff the steps every morning to find the tell tale signs of them. Also, they run free and don't wear a leash. And they look at me as if to say catch me if you can. I am at a disadvantage, because I can't get out of my yard.  I cornered a cat in my yard one time but I didn't know what to do. Daddy came and took me away.  All I want to do is play with them.

When I go on 36th street in Baltimore there is this one particular cat that sits and lies down in a shop window. When I go on a walk with my parents I look for him. I can hear him hissing through the window. I always have to race to get to see him. I wonder what he would do if I managed to touch him.

I have not been brought up with cats so I suppose I will not get too near to them, but I can look and feel the rush of spotting one each day.

Cat in window on 36th Street. Jeesh!!!!

This is what I do when I do some cat watching.

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