Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tale 11 - First Playdate with India and Skye

I just heard that my friend Skye went to the Rainbow Bridge. I miss him every day since I moved from Upstate NY to Baltimore MD. This tale is in memory of Skye. .  My mummy told me that they were Afghan dogs and boy could they run fast. I was little compared to them and I was so excited to have them come to my house. When I saw them I just wanted to play and run. Skye took a particular liking to me so we wrestled and followed one another. India was the leader of the pack so I had to respect him. I wanted to play with India, but he wouldn't have it. He watched over Skye. One of the times I tried to come too close to Skye and I jumped high and actually went over his back. I just got up and wanted more fun. I also liked their mummy Mariann and daddy Bill.  I was very tired but happy after my first play date with them. Playing is such hard work. What great playmates they were! Skye can now play with my brother Gorky. I am sure he is having fun. India has a new brother Oz now. I think they must be the best of friends and India is watching over Oz like he did with Skye.
Here is India (in front) and Skye (in back)
Here are all three of us together looking somewhere I can't remember.

Here I am trying to impress the two of them. I only had eyes for the two of them. This is serious business to play.

What am I doing here? I wonder ha! There really is a pecking order going on here. I sure am last.

Here I am giving into Skye. I could lick him all the time. I have grown out of this, but I couldn't help it, I liked him so much.
India's smiling face.
Here is a link to our play together that day on

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tale Ten - Dog Attack

Let me tell you about a dog trying to attack me when I was only three months old. Our yard was totally fenced, but I could see the dog next door through the fence. He didn't seem like a likeable dog so I was glad there was a fence. I did like to tease him I might add, because I was protected by our fence. I didn't like the looks of this dog. I could tell from his bark that he was not very friendly.

Well, my Mummy took me to see a neighbor. Mummy went to the neighbor's back door and knocked several times. No-one appeared to be home. So Mummy was starting to go back home. All of a sudden there was the very dog I was talking about racing towards me. He looked very angry and all I could see was how mean and big his face was coming towards me. I was trying to appear strong. Mummy had me on a leash. All of a sudden the dog lunged at me and my Mummy. She held onto the leash for a while, but let go as this dog tried to attack me. I had to think quickly. I was suddenly loose. Where should I go? I saw a bush so I ran to hide behind it. The dog tried to get me but he couldn't get through the branches. I could see that Mummy had fallen face down in the earth. All of a sudden the next door neighbor came out with his other dog and managed to get hold of the attacking dog. I started to run and run in the open field to try and get away from the situation. When I thought all was clear I looked around and saw Mummy standing in the distance and decided to come back to her.

The next day, we saw the neighbor digging a big hole at the back of his yard. We never did see that mean dog again.

P.S. The neighbor apologized and said that the local rescue had taken the dog????

                                           How could you attack such a nice dog like me!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tale Nine - Daddy's Little Helper

Well, I'm back. Mummy is better now. She was away for a  long time and she is very important for many reasons. I couldn't collect my thoughts while she was away. Also I dictated my memories to her so she could put them on the computer. Hooray, she couldn't walk much and now she is walking. Things are getting back to normal.

Well, on the first day of spring you could just feel a change in the air. I loved to sniff the air and this particular day was sunny and warmer. Not too warm I might add, but just right. Daddy took me outside and said I could help him clean up the yard. I was having fun picking up the branches and running to my heart's content. I love to chew the bark. It was soooo tasty. The wood reminded me of paper which I also love. Daddy was always taking the twigs away from me after a bit. Of course, I tried to run away from him and not open my mouth.

Daddy started raking dead leaves into a wheelbarrow. I was his helper and wanted to have a go at the raking. I tried to catch it each time he raked and told him how I felt. My Daddy kept raking just the same.   I loved to catch the leaves and chew on them. There were so many leaves and when the wheelbarrow was full, Daddy took the wheelbarrow to the back of the garden. What fun to run after the wheelbarrow. I was guarding Daddy and I also took great pleasure in catching the occasional leaf or branch on the way.

After a good potty at one of the corners of the garden, it was time to rest. Boy, do I love Spring.

Here I am with my Daddy's rake and wheelbarrow...



One of my favorite pastimes chewing branches. 
Here I am looking out for my Daddy. 
 Here I am looking strong.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tale Eight - Tail Story

For a moment I am going off course for my story. There is a story to be told which is very important. Mummy and daddy searched high and low for a breeder who would not cut tails. Mummy and daddy did not know much about dogs and poodles for that matter when Gorky came to live with them. Gorky's tail had been cut to be shorter. From what mummy said it was not cut so short and was beautiful, but it was docked just the same. The more they thought about it, the more they didn't like the idea that tails or ears were docked. They thought it must have been painful for us dogs and  why couldn't we stay like we were born. Anyway the more mummy and daddy looked at undocked tails the more they thought our tails were beautiful.

Well when Gorky died, mummy and daddy told me they learned even more things to do with our breed. When they got another poodle they would make sure to not cut the tail. That's why they went to Carole who had not docked tails for years. I even had my dew claws which helps me to run and turn fast. Whew, I was lucky, just the thought of pain makes me cringe. Now, every time I see a docked tail I get mixed messages about what my fellow dogs are saying. I love to wag my tail and it helps me to run. twist and turn. Carole said to my mummy that we learn things quicker from her experience than dogs who have docked tails.

I love to feel the wind through my tail and I feel like I am dancing when it moves. And the girl dogs like me too!!! I have had girls swoon by just a flick of my tail, even seeing me just on a video I have a fan club.

Here are some photos of me showing my much liked undocked tail at play.

Here is a video of me playing ball which shows the movement of my tail.
If you can't see the video, here is a link to youtube
Here is a member of my fan club who is watching videos of me moving my tail.

This is a more recent photo of me playing ball in my yard in upstate New York.
Here's wagging at you bub! I am so glad my parents decided not to dock my tail.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tale Seven - Ball Play Begins

I was really getting used to the place. Adrienne and Roger were my mummy and daddy now. They gave me fun things to do like running and playing with all sorts of toys. I liked to tug with a large rope and  I also liked the squeaky toys. I still do! I want to tear them apart and am always looking for the squeak.

When I go outside, I absolutely loved the crunch of a stone pebble. Mummy and Daddy did not want me to chew, but I did it anyway for the thrill of it all. I noticed that Mummy and Daddy were really hopping when I did this, so I tried to do it even more. I just couldn't help myself. I did outgrow this habit, but occasionally I do it to get their attention.  I also enjoyed it when they couldn't catch me, because I was a fast runner.

The one thing I found when I was with them early on was the love of the ball. I adored the ball (still do), because I wanted to catch it and run and it gave me the opportunity to play with both Mummy and Daddy. I learned how to fetch and catch the ball. In the beginning Daddy and I played with this ball within a ball. It was really exciting. I loved kicking it and really concentrated on getting it. I felt so excited while playing. I was born to play ball. It made my life worth living.  I couldn't keep my tail from moving. In fact my whole body was moving. The ball was really a challenge and I even liked the noise it made. We played in the house, in the yard and on the porch. I had to do it everyday. I looked forward to it and my day was not complete if we did not play.

Here is one of our indoor play sessions with the ball within a ball. Don't I look excited!!!  I couldn't keep my tongue in my mouth with all the excitement. I was getting very good with moving backwards as Roger daddy was moving his feet with the ball. I kept my eye on the ball always.

If you can not see the video above click on this you tube video link.
Here are some photos of me with my favorite ball in the yard.
I must go now because it is time to play ball.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tale Six - First Commands and Fluffy White Stuff.

I'd been here a few days now and I was getting used to the place sort of. I slept the night by now and I liked the yard so much. I'd marked the whole property and I knew that this was my place. I still couldn't accept some of the rules here as things had changed so much. Adrienne and Roger taught me some new things like sit, stand and down. When I was good and did what they wanted, they gave me a great treat - a thing called cheese. It tasted so good. I'll do anything for a good treat.

Here is a video of me doing sit and down.

If you have trouble seeing the video here is a link from
Well, I was settling into a routine eating, going potty, playing and having a good rest. Lots of good rest. I play hard and I rest hard that is my motto. One day I woke up and I went outside and there was this cold, bright stuff on the ground. As I walked or ran my paws sunk and kicked up this bright cold fluffy stuff which I soon learned was delicious. When I peed, this stuff turned yellow.  I loved the smell of this stuff and outdoors and I had to stop and listen to all the sounds. It was really pretty quiet as it was first thing in the morning. All I could hear was Roger's voice and the strange sound of something else. I wasn't quite sure. I was very curious and had to stop to listen. I couldn't see anything but then I could hear eerie loud calls in the distance near the trees. I didn't want to mess with what was out there.
 I really felt so free and felt like jumping everywhere especially on Roger. He firmly said sit when I did that. Then, Adrienne finally said it was time to come in from the cold. I learned two words on that day - snow and crow.  One I liked and one I was not sure about.
Here is a video of that morning:
If you have trouble viewing the video here is a youtube link of that video :


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tale Five - First Day

I finally slept.  It was just turning light and boy did I have to pee.  Roger opened the crate door. I just stared at him for a few seconds. I didn't slip when I got out, because there was paper on the floor. Roger led me out the back door to do potty. It was freezing outside, so much colder than my home. Oh I love being outdoors and the yard was very big. So much to explore. I didn't have the leash on so I could sniff all I wanted. I'm not sure about these people yet. No smiles from me today. I am going to do what I want to do. 

Once inside I could smell food. I wanted to gobble it all up immediately, but Roger stopped me. He kept on saying to me sit, sit, sit. He wouldn't give me food until I did that. I learned that quickly, because food is my passion. After that I felt tired and dozed on their lovely soft sofa. I had tried that the night before and I loved how it felt.

When I got up, Adrienne took me out on the front porch and all the sounds of the whizzing cars frightened me. My home didn't have all those cars. There was a big, big car (I was told later that it was a garbage truck) made really loud noises that hurt my ears.I wish they wouldn't take the garbage away. It really is lovely stuff.  I had to speak my mind about it, like I still do today.

Next, Adrienne tried to teach me how to go down the stairs from the porch. I didn't want to try that. I might fall.  I tried one step. Wheee!!! That's hard. I am going to have to try a different way to get to the yard.

Inside the house again. I found a soft bed with  many toys on it. I loved shaking the duck and the doggie. I wanted to rip them a part really and eat them. Isn't that what I am supposed to do? I am a busy boy and must explore everything. The doggie is with me still today although much smaller and minus an arm and a leg. I chew at night and Daddy sews it up in the day. I have to have it when I sleep at night and  my ears perk up when Daddy says the magic words before bedtime "Doggie".

This might not be such a bad place after all.

Here is my first tour around the house. I was a very busy boy that day and had to explore the place.

For those of you who cannot play the video. Here is the video link

Here I am playing with my duck. You can see the crate where I sleep. Roger kept throwing the duck at me and I really liked that game.

Here are  photos of me and my favorite duckie and doggie.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tale Four - First Night

I was here at this new place with all the smells that were not quite home. I had realized that I wasn't going back to my mommy at least for tonight. My stomach was gurgling because I only had a small bit of food when I was at my home. That was a long time ago when it was light. Roger put some of my food in a bowl. How could I refuse food. I love, love food so much. Whoof,  I gobbled it all up. Then I did more sniffing because the place had so many new smells.  I was glad we left the car so that I could run and run and run. I did a few slips and slides because the floor was different too.

I was getting tired and soooo sleepy. I was really missing my family so much. Touching them when I was sleeping was so important to me. It made me feel safe. Shhh! Don't tell them that. I don't want to ruin my image. Well, both Adrienne and Roger showed me where I was to sleep. It was a place with slits in between it so I could see in. Next thing I knew they put me into this hard thing and closed the door. Why did they do that? I didn't like this place. I felt so alone. I wanted to be with my family. I was scared and suddenly my body started shaking. Here I was inside this awful place surrounded by shredded paper all around me. There also was another towel with something ticking inside.I couldn't think straight. The ticking sound wasn't bad, but I wanted out of this place. I could hear and smell that Roger was sleeping close by. The more I shook, the more I had to do potty and pee. I lost total control. PLEASE LET ME OUT!!!! I WANT TO GO HOME.

Roger came quickly. I was a total mess. He took me out of the crate as he called it. And all of a sudden, he started washing me all over. The crate was next, he kept on cleaning and washing it. I just laid down and watched him. Glad to be out of that awful thing. I really needed to sleep, but how could I, in this awful place.

Roger put me back into the crate again. Why was he making me suffer? I was so tired I couldn't think. I needed to sleep a little bit no matter where I was.

The first two photos I was trying out my bed.

This video is of me becoming familiar with this new place before bedtime

Here I was testing out the sofa before bedtime. I just wanted to close my eyes for a second, really.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Tale Three - Leaving Home

I was out playing with my sister Gadget and brothers. Something was different about that day. Carole my human mom had just washed me and given me a haircut. Ugh I didn't like it. She used a funny machine that blew into my face. It felt strange, but what the heck I accepted it.  I really wanted to tease my sister and run outside. That is really what I wanted to do. Carole seemed to not want me to get myself dirty.

There were new people suddenly arrived at the house. Carole brought me out and let me be held by one of them. I heard her say Adrienne. She did seem pleasant and I liked meeting new people so I gave her a lick. Adrienne seemed quite excited and pleased to be holding me. I gave her a few more licks. Then the other person Roger held me. There were three other people there. I didn't catch their names but they were holding another strange thing and pointed it at us. I didn't really like that thing very much since I could hear clicking noises and flashes of light. My brothers, sisters and mom Widget were watching me. I really had enough and wanted to get down to business running after them. But this was not to be.

Adrienne continued to hold me and Roger opened up the car door. I had been in a car before so I knew what that was.This seemed exciting.They were going to take me on a trip for the day.Sniff, sniff so different were the smells. Adrienne continued to hold me in the car. I loved looking at all the movement outside. Everything was wising past. I was getting a little dizzy, but it was exciting just the same. It seemed like such a long time. I wanted to see everything, but my eyes were starting to close. Just a little sleep then I will be ready again.

I woke up wanting to pee pee and suddenly found myself with a thing around my neck. We got out of the car, but this thing was holding me back. The nerve of them not allowing me to run. I'll make it difficult for them and go my own way. I had to go so badly.  I found a spot that smelled just right and peed. Boy did I feel better. We got back in the car and we started moving again. It was getting dark, this day trip seemed a very long one and I wanted to get back home.

We finally stopped and I was carried into a house that I didn't know. I felt strange. Where's my brothers and sisters? Where is my mummy?

Here is a photo of my mummy Widget, sisters and brothers. Photo by Carole Beresh

Here is a photo of my mummy, brothers and sisters. I am the one at the end going my own way. Photo by Carole Beresh

My mummy said she fell in love with me looking at this photo. My name was Riggo then. Photo by Carole Beresh

Here is my mummy Adrienne and daddy Roger when we first met at Carole's house. Photo by Mary Saltmarsh

This is a video of me and my mummy when I got out of the car to do a pee.

  For those of you who cannot click on the video to watch, here is the link on

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tale 2 - In Remembrance of Gorky

Before I was born my mummy and daddy had another poodle. I was told his name was Gorky. I would have loved having him as a brother. He was big like I am now big. My mummy told me she was very sad when he went to the rainbow bridge. I wonder what the rainbow bridge is, but the way mummy talks about it, I don't want to go there. Gorky was not very old when he went away. He was very sick. He had a condition called Adisonsssss disease. Anyway that is how I heard it. Well mummy told me she was so sad that they had to find someone like me. I think  maybe that is another reason why she named me Lichen so I would live a very long life. In our backyard in upstate New York, there is a very pretty little tree planted which I liked to chew. My mummy told me this was planted for Gorky.

Sometimes as I was playing ball in the backyard, I felt Gorky was playing ball with me.

Here are some  photos of Gorky and some photos of me playing around that special tree for Gorky.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tale One - My Name

How did I get my name? My mummy tells me I am named after the plant Lichen. When I was little I really liked the taste of it and saw lots of it on the trees in my backyard when we lived in Central New York. My mummy says the name came to her in a dream and because lichen lives a long life she felt that would be a good name for me. I do like the sound of it. Of course my parents call me lots of names as well. Sometimes I don't like the names they call me. It depends on their tone of voice. The native Americans  use lichen for dyeing of their fabric. Actually there is a lichen called Wolf Lichen. I wouldn't dare eat that type of lichen since it is poisonous. I think that is great so no-one would ever mess with me. 

Here are a few photos of me when I was little. When my parents called me "Little Lichen". It appears I liked treats even then.

My eyes were even green like lichen and here are a few photos to prove it.